Monday, June 10, 2013

Moments with Micah

Micah is a well spoken almost 4 year old at my church. She and I always have interesting conversations since her infancy; so we go way back. Our most recent conversations have been regarding my current relationship status. 

It began on the evening of Confirmation. I told her one of the deacons, now a priest, is my friend. She then asked why was he not my boyfriend. I explained the deacon has a great deal of Jesus work to do, and did not have time to have a girlfriend or wife. She accepted it. She then said, "Miss Stefanie, you need a boyfriend!" Being completely taken aback by the remark from this tiny voice. 

The deacon, hearing this, consoled her concern by letting her know the seminarians pray for me daily for a husband. Micah gave a look of approval knowing this situation was being taken care of.

Friday, October 21, 2011


Taste of DC 2011 on Twitpic This is me and my cousin on another one of our food adventures. This was the Taste of DC 2011. After a verbal altercation, from the organizers lack of communication, we fed our bellies and souls
w Share photos on twitter with Twitpicith the delicious offerings of DC vendors. I was happy ( and surprised) to witness my cousin's 1st experience of Ben's Chili Bowl. I was defeated by a huge, but yummy samosa.

At the end of the was all good :)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Today would have been my Granny's birthday. I'm still not used to hearing the phone ring and her not being on the other end. She was a nice lady. This still feels surreal.
For Halloween, I think I'm dressing up as a fairy. I found a web site that gives you a name...I don't know how I feel about the cicada wings...or the color blue

Find out your fairy names with The Fairy Name Generator!My fairy name is Feather Snowfly
She brings peace between enemies.
She lives in high places where the clouds meet the earth.
She is only seen at midday under a quiet, cloudless sky.
She wears pale blue like the sky and has shining pale blue wings like a cicada.
Find out your fairy names with The Fairy Name Generator!