Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Steve and Laura Redux

I have this admirer that doesn't understand my standpoint in our ever-so-new relationship. He wants thing to still come as easy as it did the first date, but I really do not want to let my feelings -or his for this matter- get wrapped up in the moment. Things were going well then turned for the worse when his persistence began to make me feel kinda uncomfortable. I am unfamiliar with such attention (sadly) and ask him to tone down his advances. I was glad he took head of what I asked, though he is still sort of pushing me. Even as a “friend” he overwhelms me with attention and gifts. ‘Too much,’ I tell him...it’s too much for me to swallow, even as your friend. He even went as far to blast me on Facebook.

Says it is hard trying to love a woman who has never truly received a mans love before. They think there are strings attached or you’re strange for treating them good. I need all my sistas on face book to pray for me because I trying to show a young woman some love and she keeps throwing it back in my face. It would hurt me to let her go so please pray for me. [signed]

I then responded with:

If she wants, or is ready to receive this love, appreciation, favor from you--or any man--she will take it...Just know you're a good guy, be cautious of putting all your feelings out there. Some women need to be spoon-fed such emotion...it'...s an acquired taste...if she is truly the butterfly for your valley of lilies, let her go and she may fly back to you...give a chance for the angels to speak...no need to break it down to her, I think she gets it. She can read these heart filled prayers, unless she's that dense to know this is directed to her. But, may I ask, are you listening to her reasoning...?
I talked this over with one of my favorite cousins, after she calmed from saying he was a little crazy, she said he’s like Steve Urkel and I’m Laura Winslow from Family Matters. He’s trying to wear me down.

I like him as a person. I love his relationship with God and we have things in common. Why am I so resistant? It‘s not that unlike some guys he actually pays me attention...it’s his persistence is a bit overwhelming. Hard to swallow. Most of the times I want to tell him these three words :


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