Monday, June 10, 2013

Moments with Micah

Micah is a well spoken almost 4 year old at my church. She and I always have interesting conversations since her infancy; so we go way back. Our most recent conversations have been regarding my current relationship status. 

It began on the evening of Confirmation. I told her one of the deacons, now a priest, is my friend. She then asked why was he not my boyfriend. I explained the deacon has a great deal of Jesus work to do, and did not have time to have a girlfriend or wife. She accepted it. She then said, "Miss Stefanie, you need a boyfriend!" Being completely taken aback by the remark from this tiny voice. 

The deacon, hearing this, consoled her concern by letting her know the seminarians pray for me daily for a husband. Micah gave a look of approval knowing this situation was being taken care of.