Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I miss this feeling...

 I am ready to love again

Letter to ALL the Haters

Dear Hater of Stefanie 10.0,
Do not be mad because I am hotter than you on a 100degree day; fresher than you after bathing seven times in the Jordan River. Just stop trying to be better than me and be YOUR best; ‘cuz Sweetie, this isn’t even close to my best. If you’re attempting to do better than me, you must supersede to the product I have put out this passed as I admittedly confess I have been half-steppin’.
You do you this year and maybe you will earn the accolades you think you deserve. I’m taking it up a notch and I may make your head spin. It's a new day and it looks like you need to get it together.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Should I give up this dream?

It seems like I'm never going to graduate. I can barely get a fair chance. I think it is because no one else in my house has been in this situation, working on a degree further than an Associates degree. When you get to the upper level courses, you have to dedicate a different mindset, put aside more study time.The fact I can not succeed in one course is a bit ridiculous.

One may say, "well you have time to blog," but it's not the same. Blogging, for me is generally a bunch of run on sentences of whatever comes to my head, whereas studying and writing term papers require a bit more preparation. By the time I get ready to write a composition, I'm being harassed about being at the computer.

Also, my family plays the guilt card occasionally to get me to cut study time to spend it with the family. I don't get it...I truly do not understand.

Friday, November 19, 2010


I can't stand when someone feels the need to speak on my behalf. If I can not talk, I'll write it down; can't write, I'll mime it out. Just because you believe I am hindered by a situation and do not find me complaining, does not give you the right to rant on about something you would even dare to operate.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Small Thoughts

This is a letter sent to my supervisor... My supervisor understood where I was coming from...yet this hen can't catch a hint

I know you are busy, but I need to express this in writing so I would not internalize these feelings.

Not to say I am unappreciative of any help offered, I feel overshadowed by this particular person in her aiding in my scanning project. I have maintained a sort of rhythm and system enabling me to complete all that I have thus far, but I feel she has, in my way, over stepped her boundaries in helping. From the way she has marked the actual documents- when in instruction I asked her to mark/ make notation on the folder- to the amount she scans at one time.

As this may be just a minor matter, she has overshadowed my position causing few other minor internal disagreements. For example, when visitors come in the office, namely one of the last- John - I greeted them, offer them seating and refreshments (both refused), and proceeded to inform you of their arrival. But I suppose my greetings and salutations did not suffice as she continued, after I told her I had already done so, to greet and offer the gentlemen refreshments. She has also done this with other visitors and deliveries when I am already present, and have started addressing the given situation.

Also another little thing I simply do not understand, is when she is “straightening up the work room,” why does she gather all the items found on the round table instead of simply putting the items away as she goes along.
I know I am not your best, most consistent worker, but I just want to be able to do my job. This may be a bunch of random thoughts that really may not make sense, but as I said before, I had to get this out before these little pet peeves, causes an internal combustion.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Change in scenary

A friend of mine occasionally writes a blurb about who/what GOD is for her at that time in her life. Today, GOD is this cup of green tea with lemon. It calms me down and allows me to take a quick inventory of what is going on in my life and plan my next move. In my cup today, I found cause for a change in location. This I find will be very difficult, but I feel the need to change. I need to do something that will force me to grow up just a bit more. Getting out of this area will allow people may actually take me seriously as an adult.

Just something I was thinking about.

I can use a stapler...

This was written on Friday, January 8, 2010 at 8:26pm

It’s infuriating how people insinuate my lacking knowledge simply because I am not a graduate from a four year institution (darn it, I’m working on it!). I am completely aware of the opportunities that may arise when I have completed my coursework in my chosen field of study and have benefited from the information I have obtained thus far. The reasons I did not complete a degree program with my high school classmates are many and there is no reason to start listing them now (it’s the past, and if you want to know ask). The pace at which I am taking to now complete my degree has many factors, finances, time, and health. Nonetheless, I am in the process of completing my BS in Social Science; I, the state of Maryland and the University are footing the bill; I live with my folks; I have two jobs that I actually like (well most of the time); I help care for my Dad. SO THE HELL WHAT!!! Ain’t nobody ask YOU to measure the aspects of my life! Check yourself!

Just because I have yet to become a graduate from the University of Thus n So, does not mean I am stupid; especially since I can use a hand stapler.

To the individual that has inspired this blurb; you have yet to prove to me college level reasoning in presented situations…you know what the college brochures say you’ll be able to do once you graduate. So I am not impressed…in the least. My awareness and understanding comes from nearly 8 years in the workforce, a BS minus 27 credits and LIFE in general, which will run marathons around you and probably blow your brain out of your nose. Just be glad I really wasn’t ticked off because you may have needed a thesaurus.

If one more person questions the length of time in it is taking me to obtain my degree, or undermines my current employment status (at least I’m working) just be prepared for the whole story (bring a snack and some tissues).

Ahhh…I feel a bit better

And in the words of Forrest Gump “That’s all I have to say about that.” Well at least for right now.



To kick it back ol' school...Ya mama!

Friday, April 30, 2010


Today was the first time I felt uncomfortable being around children and pregnant women. I do not have anything against childbearing nor the thought of having children but today something in the air was quite different. It was almost like I instantly developed a phobia.

I am not rushing the whole love and marriage thing but it would be nice to have a prospect. I was armed with something Wendy Williams mentioned on her show recently; women today should not marry until they are in their 30s. After she's lived by herself, and traveled. So seeing those women in the doctors office, especially those younger than me, pregnant, I didn't feel bad not being in that group.

It was picture day at the OB/GYN. It was like 10 pregnant women in the waiting room. I asked the nurse if it'd be possible to have a baby free day in the office for those non-preggers? The nurse laughed, though I was completely serious.