Monday, June 20, 2011

My Truth About Cats and Dogs

This is from a note I wrote Oct 30, 2010...thought I should share.

My cousin recently posted a comment regarding a loathed individual running like a bitch (female dog), and it got my wheels turning. Not too many female dogs I’ve encountered would run off when confronted; they’d more or less attack first- even the yappers. No offense to dog owners (as this is not the case for all dogs) but some dogs are too stupid to back down, always on the ready for something. I find this both a blessing and a curse.

This, the running off, is more like a response of a cat…a pussy [cat]. Though I generally admire cats for their independence, reflexes and balance, cats are scared of most confrontation. Dangling keys, porch lights, a stick moved by the wind, change of any sort…hence the term scaredy cat. Reconsider your animal metaphors when allocating insults.

This is what goes through my head in the early mornings…let’s just be glad my finger is still a little sore and I got tired of typing…otherwise, I’d probably do research…yeah I’m a nerd like that…

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