Friday, April 30, 2010


Today was the first time I felt uncomfortable being around children and pregnant women. I do not have anything against childbearing nor the thought of having children but today something in the air was quite different. It was almost like I instantly developed a phobia.

I am not rushing the whole love and marriage thing but it would be nice to have a prospect. I was armed with something Wendy Williams mentioned on her show recently; women today should not marry until they are in their 30s. After she's lived by herself, and traveled. So seeing those women in the doctors office, especially those younger than me, pregnant, I didn't feel bad not being in that group.

It was picture day at the OB/GYN. It was like 10 pregnant women in the waiting room. I asked the nurse if it'd be possible to have a baby free day in the office for those non-preggers? The nurse laughed, though I was completely serious.