Thursday, August 5, 2010

Small Thoughts

This is a letter sent to my supervisor... My supervisor understood where I was coming from...yet this hen can't catch a hint

I know you are busy, but I need to express this in writing so I would not internalize these feelings.

Not to say I am unappreciative of any help offered, I feel overshadowed by this particular person in her aiding in my scanning project. I have maintained a sort of rhythm and system enabling me to complete all that I have thus far, but I feel she has, in my way, over stepped her boundaries in helping. From the way she has marked the actual documents- when in instruction I asked her to mark/ make notation on the folder- to the amount she scans at one time.

As this may be just a minor matter, she has overshadowed my position causing few other minor internal disagreements. For example, when visitors come in the office, namely one of the last- John - I greeted them, offer them seating and refreshments (both refused), and proceeded to inform you of their arrival. But I suppose my greetings and salutations did not suffice as she continued, after I told her I had already done so, to greet and offer the gentlemen refreshments. She has also done this with other visitors and deliveries when I am already present, and have started addressing the given situation.

Also another little thing I simply do not understand, is when she is “straightening up the work room,” why does she gather all the items found on the round table instead of simply putting the items away as she goes along.
I know I am not your best, most consistent worker, but I just want to be able to do my job. This may be a bunch of random thoughts that really may not make sense, but as I said before, I had to get this out before these little pet peeves, causes an internal combustion.