Friday, June 10, 2011

Really though!?! ...My Condolences...

Fairfax County School Board Meets To Discuss Changes To Discipline Policy:

Not to sound indifferent to the fact that one of GOD's children took his own life, but this means there were preexisting issues that were untreated and ignored. The fact he brought drug paraphernalia (K2 is supposedly incense) to school, which is against pretty much every board of ed code of conduct nation wide, he should have been suspended - even expelled. And since he was such a "good" student, he should have known better. My condolences goes out to his family.

"good" students, but I know Mr Smallwood, Mr. Sampson,& Iris Metts would have had us on the 1st train out the county...I would have been in Aberdeen shouting 'yes sir' and 'yes ma'am'...or sent somewhere to be a field hand.

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