Sunday, March 27, 2011


Really Dude!?! So you act like a little punk now the Wolf is real…yeah, I figured as much. This prodigal son act is getting real old. We don’t have no more rings, robes or fatten calves to give. How you just going to spit, no what you really just did, squat and take a crap on EVERYONE that has done nothing but help your shirtless fool-tail. You get a job, and act like you don’t want it…get you back in school, and you don’t even carry a pencil. And I had the nerve to write a letter for you to keep your funky butt from being put under the prison…so, fuck me…no, I got a real man to do that. How dare you?

I pray for this baby…praying hard…I pray His will be done and it makes you bump your head so hard making you come to the realization of what’s needed to be done. This child didn’t ask to be here, and you knew he was coming. You should have prepared…started to be a man. You call this kid your pride and joy, but will he be able to say something parallel to his father?

You always want to have this ‘whoa as me’ attitude and not do anything about it…say you’re grown…grown men wear shirts…Lord help you

I took those words to heart. So thanks, I love you too.

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