Friday, October 21, 2011


Taste of DC 2011 on Twitpic This is me and my cousin on another one of our food adventures. This was the Taste of DC 2011. After a verbal altercation, from the organizers lack of communication, we fed our bellies and souls
w Share photos on twitter with Twitpicith the delicious offerings of DC vendors. I was happy ( and surprised) to witness my cousin's 1st experience of Ben's Chili Bowl. I was defeated by a huge, but yummy samosa.

At the end of the was all good :)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Today would have been my Granny's birthday. I'm still not used to hearing the phone ring and her not being on the other end. She was a nice lady. This still feels surreal.
For Halloween, I think I'm dressing up as a fairy. I found a web site that gives you a name...I don't know how I feel about the cicada wings...or the color blue

Find out your fairy names with The Fairy Name Generator!My fairy name is Feather Snowfly
She brings peace between enemies.
She lives in high places where the clouds meet the earth.
She is only seen at midday under a quiet, cloudless sky.
She wears pale blue like the sky and has shining pale blue wings like a cicada.
Find out your fairy names with The Fairy Name Generator!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

2001...WE THE BEST!!!

For my 20th post, I'm posting this mix by my friend DJ Lil Elle in honor of 10years out of high school. This mix made me remember the good moments of high school. Thx Elle.

It's my reunion this's fun seeing folks I have seen since graduation.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

ADD and Me

This is in response to a post from a ADD website I made on June 28, 2011:

My Story
I, too have a similar life line, except I was diagnosed in my early 20s. Discovering I have ADD, first by myself (I’m studying Social Sciences) and soon after confirmed by doctors, I made sure I looked into my campus services. For example, I was put in touch with Disability Support Services and they informed me of the services offered, if any. The referred me to the campus Psychologist and she and my regular Psychiatrist became sort of a tag team for me; this was because I also work.

In grade school, I was the “smart girl”, really, this is how people (students, parents, and teachers alike) would refer to me. Not that I’m saying people call me dumb now, but my intelligence was better proven in those years. I was a Talented And Gifted (TAG) student and always was at least a grade level above in classes. I played piano, danced and maintained my grades. Nowadays, I sometimes just feel dumb.

I find it necessary to compartmentalize my life (Work, School, Church, family etc) and try not to blur the lines too much, or it seems as if my life is like an ABC piece of gum (yucky). I am not on meds- I use dance, yoga and some water exercises to calm my nerves and center my train of thought along with other coping mechanisms. I see a counselor regularly and try to maintain some sort of a routine (I don’t have a cow when it doesn’t end up as planned... well…not too much).

How I Cope...
I make lists, using pen and paper, and literally cross items off as I complete them; I sometimes make one of what I done, like a reverse to do list-surprisingly this helps too.

I also set up a reward system for my day, or when I need to complete a certain task-including studying. The rewards aren’t like $$$ or even a new pair of shoes, it’s more like the following:

At work:
When a task, a portion of a project is complete or I’ve been working consistently for say, 45minutes… my treat is a walk around the office to get a piece of candy off a co workers desk.
…a glass of water
…I may actually take a break and walk around the block, make a phone call, send a personal email, read an online paper, playing a round of online Scrabble, etc.


…Twitter  ( @Blk_Thumbelina)…etc

In the Classroom
In terms of my coursework – and it’s helped me at work as well- I had to realize my learning style. I’m more of a audio-tactile. I find writing down what is heard or needed to be remembered (this is how I get to “touch” the info) helps. When studying, my tutor, mother, friend or even I would read aloud directly from the textbooks, and study guides while I took notes or made index cards. Depending on the class subject, I may ask the professor I can record the lecture, if not already done so via the class or the university Disability Support Services.

Most important:

Hot MESS dot com

Monday, June 20, 2011

My Truth About Cats and Dogs

This is from a note I wrote Oct 30, 2010...thought I should share.

My cousin recently posted a comment regarding a loathed individual running like a bitch (female dog), and it got my wheels turning. Not too many female dogs I’ve encountered would run off when confronted; they’d more or less attack first- even the yappers. No offense to dog owners (as this is not the case for all dogs) but some dogs are too stupid to back down, always on the ready for something. I find this both a blessing and a curse.

This, the running off, is more like a response of a cat…a pussy [cat]. Though I generally admire cats for their independence, reflexes and balance, cats are scared of most confrontation. Dangling keys, porch lights, a stick moved by the wind, change of any sort…hence the term scaredy cat. Reconsider your animal metaphors when allocating insults.

This is what goes through my head in the early mornings…let’s just be glad my finger is still a little sore and I got tired of typing…otherwise, I’d probably do research…yeah I’m a nerd like that…

Friday, June 10, 2011

Really though!?! ...My Condolences...

Fairfax County School Board Meets To Discuss Changes To Discipline Policy:

Not to sound indifferent to the fact that one of GOD's children took his own life, but this means there were preexisting issues that were untreated and ignored. The fact he brought drug paraphernalia (K2 is supposedly incense) to school, which is against pretty much every board of ed code of conduct nation wide, he should have been suspended - even expelled. And since he was such a "good" student, he should have known better. My condolences goes out to his family.

"good" students, but I know Mr Smallwood, Mr. Sampson,& Iris Metts would have had us on the 1st train out the county...I would have been in Aberdeen shouting 'yes sir' and 'yes ma'am'...or sent somewhere to be a field hand.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Share photos on twitter with Twitpic

Not much to say, but this was what I found on Buttercup the other day.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Really Dude!?! So you act like a little punk now the Wolf is real…yeah, I figured as much. This prodigal son act is getting real old. We don’t have no more rings, robes or fatten calves to give. How you just going to spit, no what you really just did, squat and take a crap on EVERYONE that has done nothing but help your shirtless fool-tail. You get a job, and act like you don’t want it…get you back in school, and you don’t even carry a pencil. And I had the nerve to write a letter for you to keep your funky butt from being put under the prison…so, fuck me…no, I got a real man to do that. How dare you?

I pray for this baby…praying hard…I pray His will be done and it makes you bump your head so hard making you come to the realization of what’s needed to be done. This child didn’t ask to be here, and you knew he was coming. You should have prepared…started to be a man. You call this kid your pride and joy, but will he be able to say something parallel to his father?

You always want to have this ‘whoa as me’ attitude and not do anything about it…say you’re grown…grown men wear shirts…Lord help you

I took those words to heart. So thanks, I love you too.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Steve and Laura Redux

I have this admirer that doesn't understand my standpoint in our ever-so-new relationship. He wants thing to still come as easy as it did the first date, but I really do not want to let my feelings -or his for this matter- get wrapped up in the moment. Things were going well then turned for the worse when his persistence began to make me feel kinda uncomfortable. I am unfamiliar with such attention (sadly) and ask him to tone down his advances. I was glad he took head of what I asked, though he is still sort of pushing me. Even as a “friend” he overwhelms me with attention and gifts. ‘Too much,’ I tell’s too much for me to swallow, even as your friend. He even went as far to blast me on Facebook.

Says it is hard trying to love a woman who has never truly received a mans love before. They think there are strings attached or you’re strange for treating them good. I need all my sistas on face book to pray for me because I trying to show a young woman some love and she keeps throwing it back in my face. It would hurt me to let her go so please pray for me. [signed]

I then responded with:

If she wants, or is ready to receive this love, appreciation, favor from you--or any man--she will take it...Just know you're a good guy, be cautious of putting all your feelings out there. Some women need to be spoon-fed such'...s an acquired taste...if she is truly the butterfly for your valley of lilies, let her go and she may fly back to you...give a chance for the angels to need to break it down to her, I think she gets it. She can read these heart filled prayers, unless she's that dense to know this is directed to her. But, may I ask, are you listening to her reasoning...?
I talked this over with one of my favorite cousins, after she calmed from saying he was a little crazy, she said he’s like Steve Urkel and I’m Laura Winslow from Family Matters. He’s trying to wear me down.

I like him as a person. I love his relationship with God and we have things in common. Why am I so resistant? It‘s not that unlike some guys he actually pays me’s his persistence is a bit overwhelming. Hard to swallow. Most of the times I want to tell him these three words :


Sunday, March 13, 2011

ASL He Wants It All

I took sign language to learn a new language...something new to do...something to keep my mind off being single...A family friend ask me why I decided to take ASL, I answered 'the same reason someone would take CPR...just in case.'  I have unfortunately let some of my gifts slip away from me, playing piano, dance and public speaking. But yesterday, I was able to reclaim a small portion of them.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Book ends ROCK!

My supervisor told me something really insightful…she does that sometimes. But she gave me a new mantra in a matter of speaking, to put things in a better perspective. It goes a little like this- I’m still working on the syntax for flow- I am a bookend; the Boss Man is the other, and without one of us, things will likely tumble and fall. This has prevented me from shaking this individual for believing I have nothing else to do besides creating a name badge for an event happening in a couple hours…this person knew of this for a while and when I could scrounge up something, she turns her nose. I gladly informed her my source of this beautiful last minute project had left for the day. I wanted to continue and say ‘deal with it punk’…but I refrained.